死锁 | Deadlock
定义 | Definition
Deadlock is a state in which two or more processes or threads are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release resources.
死锁的必要条件 | Necessary Conditions for Deadlock
互斥条件 | Mutual Exclusion
- 至少有一个资源必须是不可共享的,即同一时间只能被一个进程使用。
- At least one resource must be held in a non-shareable mode, meaning only one process can use the resource at a time.
占有并等待条件 | Hold and Wait
- 一个进程已经持有至少一个资源,并且正在等待获取其他资源,而这些资源正被其他进程持有。
- A process holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire additional resources that are currently being held by other processes.
不剥夺条件 | No Preemption
- 资源不能被强制性地从进程中剥夺;资源只能由进程自己释放。
- Resources cannot be forcibly removed from the processes holding them; they can only be released voluntarily by the process.
环路等待条件 | Circular Wait
- 存在一个进程集合 ,其中 正在等待 持有的资源, 正在等待 持有的资源,…, 正在等待 持有的资源。
- A set of processes exists such that is waiting for a resource held by , is waiting for a resource held by , …, and is waiting for a resource held by .
死锁预防、避免、检测和恢复 | Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance, Detection, and Recovery
死锁预防 | Deadlock Prevention
Prevent deadlocks by ensuring that at least one of the necessary conditions cannot hold.
破坏互斥条件 | Breaking Mutual Exclusion
- 尽可能将资源设计为可共享。
- Design resources to be shareable wherever possible.
破坏占有并等待条件 | Breaking Hold and Wait
- 要求进程在进入临界区之前请求所有需要的资源。
- Require processes to request all the resources they need before entering the critical section.
破坏不剥夺条件 | Breaking No Preemption
- 如果一个进程请求的资源无法立即获得,要求它释放所有已持有的资源,并在稍后重新请求。
- If a process requests a resource that is not immediately available, require it to release all held resources and request again later.
破坏环路等待条件 | Breaking Circular Wait
- 对所有资源排序,并要求进程按顺序请求资源。
- Impose a total ordering of all resources and require processes to request resources in an increasing order of enumeration.
死锁避免 | Deadlock Avoidance
Dynamically check resource allocation to ensure that a system does not enter a deadlock state.
银行家算法 | Banker’s Algorithm
The Banker’s Algorithm is a well-known deadlock avoidance algorithm that simulates resource allocation to ensure the system remains in a safe state.
初始化 | Initialization
- 每个进程声明最大资源需求。
- Each process declares its maximum resource needs.
资源请求 | Resource Request
- 进程请求资源时,系统检查资源是否可用并判断分配后是否处于安全状态。
- When a process requests resources, the system checks if they are available and whether allocation will keep the system in a safe state.
安全状态 | Safe State
- 如果系统处于安全状态,则分配资源;否则,进程必须等待。
- If the system is in a safe state, allocate the resources; otherwise, the process must wait.
死锁检测和恢复 | Deadlock Detection and Recovery
Allow deadlocks to occur but provide a mechanism to detect and recover from them.
死锁检测 | Deadlock Detection
Use graph algorithms to detect deadlocks in the system.
资源分配图 | Resource Allocation Graph
- 将进程和资源表示为图中的节点,边表示资源的分配和请求。
- Represent processes and resources as nodes in a graph, with edges indicating resource allocation and requests.
检测算法 | Detection Algorithm
- 寻找图中的环,环的存在表示死锁。
- Look for cycles in the graph; the presence of a cycle indicates a deadlock.
# Example in Python
def detect_deadlock(resource_allocation_graph):
# Detect cycles in the resource allocation graph
def dfs(node, visited, stack):
visited[node] = True
stack[node] = True
for neighbor in resource_allocation_graph[node]:
if not visited[neighbor]:
if dfs(neighbor, visited, stack):
return True
elif stack[neighbor]:
return True
stack[node] = False
return False
死锁恢复 | Deadlock Recovery
Once a deadlock is detected, take measures to recover the system.
资源抢占 | Resource Preemption
- 从某些进程中抢占资源并分配给其他进程。
- Preempt resources from some processes and allocate them to others.
终止进程 | Process Termination
- 终止部分或全部死锁进程。
- Terminate some or all of the deadlocked processes.
回滚 | Rollback
- 回滚进程到先前的状态,释放资源。
- Roll back processes to a previous state and release resources.
总结 | Summary
Deadlock is a serious system issue that can be effectively managed and resolved by understanding and applying strategies for prevention, avoidance, detection, and recovery.