题目来源:[[做题/文字版题库/CBMS/2019#Question 9|2019#Question 9]] 日期:2024-07-26 题目主题:CS-算法-归并排序
1. Sorting an array of two elements
For , the array has only two elements, and . We can sort this array with a simple comparison and swap if needed.
- Compare and .
- If , swap them.
if a_1 > a_2 then
swap(a_1, a_2)
2. Merging two sorted arrays
Given two sorted arrays and , we merge them into a single sorted array .
- Initialize pointers , , and to .
- While both arrays have elements to be compared:
- Compare and .
- Append the smaller element to and increment the corresponding pointer.
- Increment .
- If one array is exhausted, append the remaining elements of the other array to .
i, j, k = 1, 1, 1
while i <= p and j <= q do
if x_i < y_j then
z_k = x_i
i = i + 1
z_k = y_j
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
while i <= p do
z_k = x_i
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while j <= q do
z_k = y_j
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
The time complexity of this algorithm is .
3. Recurrence for
We sort the first and second halves of the array separately and then merge them. The recurrence relation is:
The term comes from the merging step.
To solve this recurrence, we can use the Master Theorem for divide-and-conquer recurrences of the form . Here, , , and .
According to the Master Theorem:
- If , then .
- .
Thus, matches . Therefore,
4. Finding in time
We need to find the position such that the first elements of the merged array come from the first elements of and the first elements of .
- Perform a binary search on to find .
- Initialize low and high pointers: and .
- While :
- Set .
- Set .
- Check the conditions to adjust the pointers:
- If and , then is found.
- If , adjust .
- Otherwise, adjust .
low, high = 1, p+1
while low <= high do
t = (low + high) / 2
s = ceil((p + q) / 2) - t
if x_t <= y_s+1 and y_s <= x_t+1 then
return t
else if x_t > y_s+1 then
high = t - 1
low = t + 1
The time complexity of this algorithm is due to the binary search.
5. Parallel merge sort complexity
Assuming CPU cores and ignoring synchronization costs, we can sort each half of the array in parallel.
For each level of recursion, the work is divided equally among available cores. Therefore, the time complexity at each level is determined by the depth of the recursion tree.
The depth of the recursion tree is , and each merge operation at each level takes divided by the number of available cores.
Overall Time Complexity:
Thus, the parallel merge sort algorithm with CPU cores has a time complexity of .
在第四部分,找到合适的 使得合并的前半部分数组满足特定条件是一个难点。利用二分查找可以有效减少时间复杂度。
- 归并排序是一种分治算法,其时间复杂度为 。
- 合并两个已排序数组的时间复杂度为 。
- 利用二分查找可以在 时间内找到特定位置。
- 并行计算可以显著加速大规模数据的排序。
- merge 合并
- binary search 二分查找
- parallel computation 并行计算
- Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, Chapter 2: Getting Started.
- The Art of Computer Programming, Donald E. Knuth, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching, Section 5.2.4: Merge Sort.