中断 | Interrupts in Operating Systems
定义 | Definition
An interrupt is a signal that informs the processor of an event that needs immediate attention, causing the processor to pause the current instruction execution and handle the event.
中断类型 | Types of Interrupts
硬件中断 | Hardware Interrupts
Signals generated by external devices, informing the processor to handle an external event.
示例 | Examples
- 时钟中断 | Timer Interrupt:由系统时钟定期生成,用于操作系统的时间管理。 Generated periodically by the system clock for time management in the operating system.
- I/O 中断 | I/O Interrupt:由输入/输出设备生成,通知数据传输完成或设备状态改变。 Generated by input/output devices to notify the completion of data transfer or a change in device status.
- 电源中断 | Power Interrupt:由电源管理单元生成,用于处理电源状态的变化。 Generated by the power management unit to handle changes in power state.
- 缺页中断 | Page Fault:当程序访问不在物理内存中的页面时触发。 Triggered when a program accesses a page that is not in physical memory. 缺页中断 Page Fault
软件中断 | Software Interrupts
Signals generated by programs, typically for system calls or exception handling.
示例 | Examples
系统调用 | System Calls:由应用程序发起,用于请求操作系统服务。 Initiated by application programs to request services from the operating system.
异常 | Exceptions:由处理器检测到异常条件(如除零错误)时生成。 Generated when the processor detects abnormal conditions (e.g., divide by zero error).
中断请求 | Interrupt Requests (IRQ)
Interrupt request lines are used to transmit hardware interrupt signals.
Each device is assigned a unique IRQ line.
可屏蔽中断和不可屏蔽中断 | Maskable and Non-Maskable Interrupts
- 可屏蔽中断 | Maskable Interrupts (IRQ):可以被处理器屏蔽或忽略。 Can be masked or ignored by the processor.
- 不可屏蔽中断 | Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI):无法被屏蔽,通常用于高优先级事件。 Cannot be masked, typically used for high-priority events.
中断诱因 | Causes of Interrupts
硬件中断 | Hardware Causes
外设请求 | Peripheral Requests:如键盘、鼠标、网络接口等外设需要处理器的服务。 Peripherals like keyboard, mouse, network interface requiring processor service.
定时器事件 | Timer Events:用于周期性任务调度和时间管理。 Used for periodic task scheduling and time management.
硬件故障 | Hardware Failures:如内存错误、电源故障等。 Hardware errors such as memory errors, power failures.
内存管理事件 | Memory Management Events:
- 缺页中断 | Page Fault:程序访问不在物理内存中的页面时,由内存管理单元(MMU)触发。 Triggered by the Memory Management Unit (MMU) when a program accesses a page not in physical memory.
- 内存保护违规 | Memory Protection Violation:程序试图访问没有权限的内存区域时触发。 Triggered when a program attempts to access a memory area without proper permissions.
软件中断 | Software Causes
- 系统调用 | System Calls:应用程序请求操作系统执行特定任务。 Application programs requesting the operating system to perform specific tasks.
- 异常 | Exceptions:如非法指令、算术错误等异常条件。 Abnormal conditions such as illegal instructions, arithmetic errors.
中断传导方法 | Interrupt Propagation
中断请求线 | Interrupt Request Lines
External devices send signals to the interrupt controller via interrupt request lines.
中断控制器 | Interrupt Controller
The interrupt controller manages multiple interrupt requests and sends them to the processor based on priority.
可编程中断控制器 | Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)
Allows programming of interrupt priorities and masking of specific interrupts.
处理器响应 | Processor Response
The processor responds to an interrupt request, saves the current state, and transfers control to the interrupt handler.
中断处理方法 | Interrupt Handling
保存处理器状态 | Saving Processor State
The processor saves the current register state and program counter to restore after interrupt handling.
中断向量表 | Interrupt Vector Table
The interrupt vector table is a data structure stored in memory, containing the entry addresses of interrupt handlers for each interrupt. When the processor receives an interrupt signal, it looks up the interrupt vector table to determine the address of the interrupt handler and transfers control to the appropriate handler.
结构 | Structure
中断向量表的每个条目对应一个中断号(Interrupt Number),并包含该中断号对应的中断处理程序的入口地址。
Each entry in the interrupt vector table corresponds to an interrupt number and contains the entry address of the interrupt handler for that interrupt number.
| Interrupt Number (n) | Interrupt Handler Address|
| 0 | Address of Handler 0 |
| 1 | Address of Handler 1 |
| 2 | Address of Handler 2 |
| ... | ... |
| n | Address of Handler n |
示例 | Example
Assume a simple interrupt vector table with entry addresses for three interrupt handlers:
中断号 | Interrupt Number: 0, 1, 2
中断处理程序地址 | Interrupt Handler Address:
0x0000_1000 (Handler for Interrupt 0)
0x0000_2000 (Handler for Interrupt 1)
0x0000_3000 (Handler for Interrupt 2)
初始化 | Initialization
At system startup, the operating system initializes the interrupt vector table, filling in the addresses of the interrupt handlers into the corresponding entries.
// Example in C
#define NUM_INTERRUPTS 256
void (*interrupt_vector_table[NUM_INTERRUPTS])();
void init_interrupt_vector_table() {
interrupt_vector_table[0] = handler0;
interrupt_vector_table[1] = handler1;
interrupt_vector_table[2] = handler2;
// Initialize other handlers...
void handler0() {
// Handle interrupt 0
void handler1() {
// Handle interrupt 1
void handler2() {
// Handle interrupt 2
查找和跳转 | Lookup and Jump
Upon receiving an interrupt request, the processor uses the interrupt number to look up the interrupt vector table and jumps to the corresponding interrupt handler.
1. 保存当前处理器状态 | Save the current processor state
2. 从中断控制器获取中断号 | Get the interrupt number from the interrupt controller
3. 查找中断向量表获取中断处理程序地址 | Lookup the interrupt vector table to get the handler address
4. 跳转到中断处理程序 | Jump to the interrupt handler
5. 执行中断处理程序 | Execute the interrupt handler
6. 恢复处理器状态并继续执行被中断的程序 | Restore the processor state and continue executing the interrupted program
中断向量表在不同系统中的实现 | Implementation in Different Systems
- x86 架构 | x86 Architecture:在 x86 系统中,中断向量表称为中断描述符表(Interrupt Descriptor Table, IDT),每个条目包含中断门(Interrupt Gate)的信息,用于保护模式下的中断处理。 In x86 systems, the interrupt vector table is known as the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT), with each entry containing information about an interrupt gate for interrupt handling in protected mode.
- ARM 架构 | ARM Architecture:在 ARM 系统中,中断向量表通常位于固定地址,处理器在中断时通过偏移量查找中断处理程序地址。 In ARM systems, the interrupt vector table is usually located at a fixed address, and the processor uses offsets to find the interrupt handler addresses during interrupts.
- 嵌入式系统 | Embedded Systems:嵌入式系统中的中断向量表通常根据特定的微控制器架构进行定制,可能包含直接跳转指令或处理程序入口地址。 In embedded systems, the interrupt vector table is typically customized based on the specific microcontroller architecture, possibly containing direct jump instructions or handler entry addresses.
执行中断处理程序 | Executing Interrupt Handler
The processor transfers control to the interrupt handler, which performs the necessary tasks.
示例 | Example
// Example in C
void interrupt_handler() {
// Save processor state
// Handle the interrupt
if (interrupt_number == TIMER_INTERRUPT) {
} else if (interrupt_number == IO_INTERRUPT) {
// Restore processor state
恢复处理器状态 | Restoring Processor State
After the interrupt handler completes, it restores the processor’s register state and program counter to continue executing the interrupted program.
中断嵌套 | Interrupt Nesting
Higher-priority interrupts can nest lower-priority interrupts.
Managed by setting interrupt priority levels.
中断处理的优化 | Optimization of Interrupt Handling
快速中断处理 | Fast Interrupt Handling
Reduce the execution time of interrupt handlers to improve system responsiveness.
中断分离 | Interrupt Separation
Separate complex interrupt handling tasks into deferred procedures.
中断聚合 | Interrupt Aggregation
Combine multiple interrupt requests to reduce the processor’s interrupt load.
中断的应用 | Applications of Interrupts
实时系统 | Real-Time Systems
Interrupts are used to handle high-priority real-time events.
操作系统 | Operating Systems
Interrupts are used for multitasking scheduling, device drivers, and exception handling.
嵌入式系统 | Embedded Systems
Interrupts are used to respond to external events and sensor signals.
Interrupts are crucial mechanisms in operating systems and embedded systems, and efficient interrupt handling can significantly improve system performance and responsiveness.