矩阵求导 | Matrix Calculus
简介 | Introduction
Matrix calculus is an intersection of linear algebra and calculus, dealing with techniques for taking derivatives with respect to matrices, vectors, and scalar functions. It has broad applications in fields such as machine learning, optimization, and statistics. While similar to scalar calculus, matrix calculus involves additional complexity due to its consideration of multidimensional structures.
标量作为变量的矩阵求导 | Scalar as Variable in Matrix Calculus
标量对标量求导 | Scalar Derivative of a Scalar Function
如果函数 仅依赖于一个标量变量 ,那么其导数与一元微分学中定义的导数相同:
If a function depends only on a single scalar variable , its derivative is the same as defined in single-variable calculus:
标量对向量求导 | Scalar Derivative of a Vector Function
对于一个依赖于向量 的标量函数 ,其导数是一个向量,称为梯度 (Gradient):
For a scalar function that depends on a vector , the derivative is a vector, known as the gradient:
标量对矩阵求导 | Scalar Derivative of a Matrix Function
对于一个依赖于矩阵 的标量函数 ,其导数是一个矩阵,称为梯度矩阵 (Gradient Matrix):
For a scalar function that depends on a matrix , the derivative is a matrix, known as the gradient matrix:
向量作为变量的矩阵求导 | Vector as Variable in Matrix Calculus
向量对标量求导 | Vector Derivative of a Scalar Function
对于一个依赖于标量 的向量函数 ,其导数是一个向量:
For a vector function that depends on a scalar , the derivative is a vector:
向量对向量求导 | Vector Derivative of a Vector Function
对于一个依赖于向量 的向量函数 ,其导数是一个雅可比矩阵 (Jacobian Matrix):
For a vector function that depends on a vector , the derivative is a Jacobian matrix:
向量对矩阵求导 | Vector Derivative of a Matrix Function
对于一个依赖于矩阵 的向量函数 ,其导数是一个张量 (Tensor),通常不常见,也不易表述。通常我们通过分块矩阵或其他方式来表示这种导数。
For a vector function that depends on a matrix , the derivative is a tensor, which is less common and harder to express. Usually, we represent such derivatives using block matrices or other methods.
矩阵作为变量的矩阵求导 | Matrix as Variable in Matrix Calculus
矩阵对标量求导 | Matrix Derivative of a Scalar Function
对于一个依赖于标量 的矩阵函数 ,其导数是一个矩阵:
For a matrix function that depends on a scalar , the derivative is a matrix:
矩阵对向量求导 | Matrix Derivative of a Vector Function
对于一个依赖于向量 的矩阵函数 ,其导数是一个三阶张量:
For a matrix function that depends on a vector , the derivative is a third-order tensor:
矩阵对矩阵求导 | Matrix Derivative of a Matrix Function
对于一个依赖于矩阵 的矩阵函数 ,其导数是一个四阶张量。通常,通过 Kronecker 积或者其他特殊的方式来简化表示。
For a matrix function that depends on a matrix , the derivative is a fourth-order tensor. Usually, it is simplified using the Kronecker product or other special methods.
矩阵求导法则 | Rules of Matrix Calculus
链式法则 | Chain Rule
When dealing with composite functions, the chain rule is also applicable in matrix calculus:
积法则 | Product Rule
For the derivative of a matrix product, the product rule states:
转置求导法则 | Transpose Rule
For the derivative of a transposed matrix, the transpose rule states:
逆矩阵求导法则 | Inverse Matrix Rule
For the derivative of an inverse matrix, the inverse matrix rule states:
矩阵求导常见公式推导 | Derivation of Common Formulas in Matrix Calculus
1. 对迹函数求导 | Derivative of Trace Function
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑迹函数 ,其中 是常矩阵, 是变量矩阵。首先,利用迹的性质 ,可以将其展开:
Consider the trace function , where is a constant matrix and is the variable matrix. First, using the property of the trace, , we can expand it as:
对 的元素 求导:
Taking the derivative with respect to an element of :
这里,仅当 且 时,求和中的项不为零,因此:
Here, the only non-zero term in the summation occurs when and , so:
Combining the results, we get:
2. 对行列式求导 | Derivative of Determinant
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑行列式 ,我们利用 的行列式对其元素的导数公式。已知:
Consider the determinant , we use the formula for the derivative of the determinant with respect to its elements. It is known that:
将其扩展到整个矩阵 ,可以得到:
Expanding this to the entire matrix , we obtain:
3. 对二次型求导 | Derivative of Quadratic Form
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑一个二次型 ,其中 是向量, 是对称矩阵。我们对 进行求导:
Consider a quadratic form , where is a vector and is a symmetric matrix. We take the derivative with respect to :
首先,我们分别对 和 求导:
First, we differentiate with respect to and :
Combining all the components together, we obtain:
对于对称矩阵 ,有 ,所以最终可以简化为:
For a symmetric matrix , where , this simplifies to:
4. 对矩阵乘积求导 | Derivative of a Matrix Product
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑两个矩阵 和 的乘积 ,对 求导。我们使用矩阵乘法的求导法则:
Consider the product of two matrices and , i.e., , and take the derivative with respect to . We use the product rule for matrix calculus:
类似地,对于右乘的情况 ,对 求导,可以得到:
Similarly, for the case of right multiplication , the derivative with respect to is:
5. 对矩阵 Frobenius 范数的求导 | Derivative of the Frobenius Norm
推导过程 | Derivation:
Frobenius 范数是矩阵元素平方和的平方根,定义为:
The Frobenius norm is the square root of the sum of the squares of the matrix elements, defined as:
The derivative of its square is more commonly used:
The derivation is as follows:
对 的元素 求导:
Taking the derivative with respect to an element of :
Combining into matrix form, we get:
6. 对矩阵迹二次型求导 | Derivative of the Trace of a Quadratic Form
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑二次型 ,其中 是对称矩阵, 是变量矩阵。我们可以通过应用迹函数的导数规则推导其对 的导数:
Consider the quadratic form , where is a symmetric matrix and is the variable matrix. We can derive its derivative with respect to by applying the derivative rule for trace functions:
由于 是对称的,我们得到:
Since is symmetric, we obtain:
7. 对矩阵对数行列式求导 | Derivative of the Log-Determinant
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑对矩阵 的对数行列式 的求导。已知:
Consider the derivative of the log-determinant with respect to the matrix . It is known that:
This derivation can be understood by the relationship:
And applying the derivative formula for the trace function:
8. 对向量内积求导 | Derivative of a
Vector Inner Product
推导过程 | Derivation:
考虑两个向量 和 的内积 ,对 求导得到:
Consider the inner product of two vectors and , , the derivative with respect to is:
类似地,对 求导,得到:
Similarly, the derivative with respect to is: