优先队列 (Priority Queue)
定义 (Definition)
- 插入操作(Insert):将一个元素插入队列中
- 删除最大值操作(Delete Max) 或 删除最小值操作(Delete Min):删除并返回队列中具有最高(或最低)优先级的元素
优先队列广泛应用于调度系统、图算法(如 Dijkstra 算法和 Prim 算法)等。
A priority queue is an abstract data type where each element has a priority. It supports the following operations:
- Insert Operation: Inserts an element into the queue
- Delete Max Operation or Delete Min Operation: Removes and returns the element with the highest (or lowest) priority in the queue
Priority queues are widely used in scheduling systems, graph algorithms (such as Dijkstra’s and Prim’s algorithms), etc.
实现 (Implementation)
- 堆(Heap):如二叉堆、斐波那契堆等
- 平衡二叉搜索树(Balanced Binary Search Tree):如红黑树、AVL 树等
Common data structures for implementing a priority queue include:
- Heap: Such as binary heap, Fibonacci heap, etc.
- Balanced Binary Search Tree: Such as Red-Black tree, AVL tree, etc.
二叉堆 (Binary Heap)
A binary heap is a common implementation of a priority queue, divided into a max-heap and a min-heap. In a max-heap, each node’s value is greater than or equal to its children’s values; in a min-heap, each node’s value is less than or equal to its children’s values.
最大堆 (Max-Heap)
插入操作 (Insert Operation)
When inserting a new element, add it to the end of the heap and then swim it up to maintain the heap property.
def insert(heap, value):
swim(heap, len(heap) - 1)
def swim(heap, k):
while k > 0 and heap[(k - 1) // 2] < heap[k]:
heap[(k - 1) // 2], heap[k] = heap[k], heap[(k - 1) // 2]
k = (k - 1) // 2
删除最大值操作 (Delete Max Operation)
When deleting the maximum element, move the last element of the heap to the top, then sink it down to maintain the heap property.
def delete_max(heap):
max_value = heap[0]
heap[0] = heap.pop()
sink(heap, 0)
return max_value
def sink(heap, k):
n = len(heap)
while 2 * k + 1 < n:
j = 2 * k + 1
if j + 1 < n and heap[j] < heap[j + 1]:
j += 1
if heap[k] >= heap[j]:
heap[k], heap[j] = heap[j], heap[k]
k = j
复杂度 (Complexity)
Insert Operation:
Delete Max/Min Operation:
Find Max/Min Operation:
常见用法 (Common Usage)
图算法:如 Dijkstra 算法、Prim 算法
Task Scheduling: Process tasks based on priority
Graph Algorithms: Such as Dijkstra’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm
Event-Driven Simulation: Process events in the order they occur
示例 (Example)
The following example demonstrates how to implement a priority queue using a max-heap:
# 初始化一个空堆
heap = []
# 插入元素
insert(heap, 10)
insert(heap, 20)
insert(heap, 15)
insert(heap, 30)
insert(heap, 40)
# 删除最大值
print(delete_max(heap)) # 输出:40
print(delete_max(heap)) # 输出:30
print(delete_max(heap)) # 输出:20
# 剩余堆中的元素
print(heap) # 输出:[15, 10]
注意点 (Points to Note)
A binary heap is a complete binary tree represented by an array, making heap operations conveniently implemented using array indices
The swim and sink operations are key to maintaining the heap property
For problems requiring frequent insertions and deletions, prefer using a heap-implemented priority queue