IS CS-2019S2-06
题目来源:Problem 6 日期:2024-08-03 题目主题:CS-算法-决策问题
这道题目涉及三个决策问题 A、B 和 C,分别关于数组中的两数之和、三数之和为零、以及平面上三点共线的判定。我们需要设计算法、分析复杂度,并且证明问题之间的关系。解题过程中会用到双指针、哈希表、代数技巧等方法。
1. Algorithm for Problem A
To solve Problem A in time, we can use the two-pointer technique, taking advantage of the fact that the array is sorted.
def solve_problem_A(S, c):
left, right = 0, len(S) - 1
while left < right:
current_sum = S[left] + S[right]
if current_sum == c:
return True
elif current_sum < c:
left += 1
right -= 1
return False
This algorithm works as follows:
- Initialize two pointers,
at the beginning andright
at the end of the array. - While
is less thanright
: a. Calculate the sum ofS[left]
. b. If the sum equalsc
, we’ve found a solution, returnTrue
. c. If the sum is less thanc
, incrementleft
to increase the sum. d. If the sum is greater thanc
, decrementright
to decrease the sum. - If we exit the loop without finding a solution, return
Time complexity: , as we traverse the array at most once. Space complexity: , as we only use two pointers.
Proof of Correctness
We will prove this by contradiction. Suppose the greedy algorithm fails to find a solution such that , even though such a solution exists.
Let be a pair that sums to , where . Consider the moment in our algorithm when the left pointer is at some position and the right pointer is at some position .
If and , the algorithm would have found the solution, contradicting our assumption.
If or , we have three cases: a) If , the algorithm would have found a solution, contradicting our assumption. b) If , the algorithm moves the left pointer. This is the correct move because:
- We know
- And
- Since is sorted, and
- Therefore,
- This means no element to the left of or at can sum with to
- So, we must move the left pointer to find a potential solution.
If , the algorithm moves the right pointer. This is the correct move because:
- We know
- And
- Since is sorted, and
- Therefore,
- This means no element to the right of or at can sum with to
- So, we must move the right pointer to find a potential solution.
In all cases, the algorithm makes the correct decision to move towards the solution . This contradicts our initial assumption that the algorithm fails to find a solution when one exists.
Therefore, if a solution exists, the greedy algorithm will always find it. If the algorithm doesn’t find a solution, we can conclude that no solution exists.
2. Algorithm for Problem B
To solve Problem B in time, we can use a hash table to store the negation of the sum of two elements, then check if the third element exists in the hash table.
def solve_problem_B(T):
T = sorted(T) # Sort the array first
for i in range(len(T) - 2):
if i > 0 and T[i] == T[i-1]:
continue # Skip duplicates
left, right = i + 1, len(T) - 1
while left < right:
total = T[i] + T[left] + T[right]
if total == 0:
return True
elif total < 0:
left += 1
right -= 1
return False
This algorithm works as follows:
- Sort the array
(this takes time, which is dominated by ). - Iterate through the array with index
from to . - For each
, use two pointersleft
to find if there existj
such that . - If found, return
. If not found after checking all possibilities, returnFalse
Time complexity: , as we have a nested loop structure. Space complexity: if we don’t count the space for sorting, if we do.
3. Expressing c in terms of a and b
To express using and for the points , , and being collinear:
The points are collinear if the slope between any two pairs of points is the same. The slope between and is:
The slope between and is:
Setting the slopes equal gives:
Simplifying, we get:
Solving for :
4. Proving no algorithm for Problem C
We will prove this by contradiction. Assume there exists an algorithm for Problem C. We’ll show that this would imply an algorithm for Problem B, contradicting the given assumption.
Suppose we have an algorithm for Problem C.
Given an instance of Problem B with set , we can transform it into an instance of Problem C as follows: For each , create a point in the 2D plane. Let this set of points be .
Now, we claim that there exist such that if and only if the corresponding points are collinear.
To prove this claim:
- If , then .
- The points are collinear because they satisfy the equation we derived in Question 3.
- Conversely, if three points are collinear, then from our result in Question 3, we know that one of them must be the negative sum of the other two.
Therefore, we can solve Problem B by:
- Transforming the input of B to an input of C (takes time)
- Running algorithm on this input (takes time by assumption)
- Interpreting the result of as the result for B (takes time)
This would give us an algorithm for Problem B, which contradicts our assumption that no such algorithm exists.
Therefore, our initial assumption must be false, and there cannot exist an algorithm for Problem C under the given conditions.
问题 3 和问题 4 可能是较难的部分。问题 3 需要仔细的代数推导,而问题 4 需要构造一个巧妙的转化来建立问题 B 和问题 C 之间的联系。
- 对于排序数组的两数之和问题,双指针方法通常是最优解。
- 对于三数之和问题,可以固定一个数,然后在剩余数中寻找两数之和,这样可以将复杂度从 O(n^3) 降低到 O(n^2)。
- 在处理几何问题时,利用点斜式方程或者向量的方法通常很有帮助。
- 在证明算法复杂度下界时,归约(reduction)是一个强大的工具。如果我们可以在线性时间内将一个已知的 ” 困难 ” 问题转化为目标问题,那么目标问题就不可能有比这个 ” 困难 ” 问题更优的解法。
two-pointer technique 双指针技巧
hash table 哈希表
collinearity 共线性
quadratic equation 二次方程
proof by contradiction 反证法
reduction 归约
- Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS), Chapter 2 (Getting Started) and Chapter 33 (Computational Geometry)
- Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena, Chapter 2 (Algorithm Analysis) and Chapter 17 (Computational Geometry)
- Competitive Programmer’s Handbook by Antti Laaksonen, Chapter 5 (Complete Search)