IS CS-2016S1-01

题目来源Problem 1 日期:2024-08-11 题目主题:CS-算法-概率与矩阵计算


本题探讨的是关于随机 0-1 向量和矩阵的性质。通过概率论的基本概念和矩阵运算,我们需要解决以下问题:

  1. 计算给定矩阵乘以随机 0-1 向量后结果为 0 向量的概率。
  2. 证明一个矩阵乘以随机 0-1 向量后结果为 0 向量的概率上限。
  3. 证明矩阵乘积与另一个矩阵的乘积不相等的概率上限。
  4. 设计一个算法来验证矩阵乘积是否满足特定条件。

问题 1 和问题 2 涉及基本的模 2 运算和线性代数的知识。问题 3 则基于之前的问题并扩展至矩阵乘法的情况。问题 4 则要求我们设计一个高效的算法,并分析其正确性和复杂度。


Question 1

Given as a random 0-1 vector, we want to calculate the probability that:

where is given by

Let , where each is chosen independently with equal probability . We need to find the probability that:

This translates to:

Thus, we need to find the probability that:

This system of equations implies that . Since each is independently chosen from with probability , the probability that is . Therefore, the probability is:

Question 2

Given as an integer matrix that does not satisfy , and as a random 0-1 vector, we need to prove that:

Since , at least one row of is not equivalent to the zero vector modulo 2. This implies that there exists some for which for at least one value of .

For a fixed , happens with probability . Since the rows of are independent, the probability that all for is at most . Thus,

Question 3

Let , , and be matrices that do not satisfy , and be a random 0-1 vector. We want to prove that:

Consider the matrix . The problem now reduces to showing that:

Since , it follows that . From Question 2, the probability that is no greater than .


Question 4

To design an algorithm that checks whether with high probability, we can proceed as follows:

  1. Choose a random vector .
  2. Compute and .
  3. If , return “NOT SATISFIED”.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 independently times for some .
  5. If in all trials, return “SATISFIED”. Otherwise, return “NOT SATISFIED”.

By choosing sufficiently large, say , we can ensure that the probability of falsely returning “SATISFIED” when is less than .

This algorithm runs in time since each matrix-vector multiplication takes time, and we perform it a constant number of times.




  • 在处理模 2 运算时,特别是在随机 0-1 向量的情况下,独立性和等概率性是关键。
  • 对于不等式概率证明,考虑行独立性和矩阵之间的模 2 差异是有帮助的。
  • 在算法设计中,重复独立测试可以显著降低错误概率。


  • Modulo operation (模运算)
  • Random 0-1 vector (随机 0-1 向量)
  • Matrix multiplication (矩阵乘法)


  1. Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition - Cormen, Chapter 28.
  2. Linear Algebra and Its Applications - Gilbert Strang, Chapter 6.