题目来源:[[文字版题库/CBMS/2017#Problem 12|2017#Problem 12]] 日期:2024-07-29 题目主题:CS-算法-动态规划
这个问题涉及在给定字符串中找到最长的回文子串。回文子串的定义是从左到右与从右到左读法相同的子串。我们使用动态规划来解决这个问题,通过构建一个二维数组 来存储中间结果。
- 必要和充分条件:我们首先推导出一个条件,该条件可以确保如果一个子串是回文,那么通过在其两端添加相同字符后,扩展后的字符串仍然是回文。
- 迭代公式:我们将构建一个表示回文子串的二维数组 ,其元素为 1 表示子串是回文,0 表示不是。我们需要推导出使用 计算下一个状态的迭代公式。
- 初始值:确定二维数组 的初始值。
- 最终结果:通过遍历 ,我们可以找到最长的回文子串。
Question 1
To determine when is a palindrome, we consider the following:
- Necessary and Sufficient Condition: If is a palindrome, then is also a palindrome if and only if . This means that if we extend a known palindrome by adding the same character at both ends, the resulting string will also be a palindrome.
Question 2
Given the condition above, the iterative formula for can be defined as follows:
Here, the blanks can be filled as follows:
Thus, the formula becomes:
Where is a function that returns 1 if and 0 otherwise.
Question 3
Initial Values of
- For all single character substrings, because every single character is a palindrome.
- For two-character substrings, if , otherwise .
Iteration Procedure
For substrings of length 3 and greater, we compute using the formula:
Iterate over the lengths of the substrings starting from 3 up to , the length of the string .
For each length, iterate over all possible starting indices and calculate the corresponding ending index .
Update the value of based on the formula provided.
Question 4
To find the longest palindrome substring using , follow these steps:
- Initialize Variables: Set up variables to store the starting index and length of the longest palindrome found so far.
- Iterate Over Possible Lengths: Start with the maximum possible length of a palindrome, , and gradually decrease the length. For each length, iterate over all possible starting indices and compute the ending index .
- Check Palindrome and Update: For each pair , check if , indicating that the substring is a palindrome. If a palindrome is found, record the starting index and the length of the palindrome. Since the search starts with the longest possible length, this ensures that the first palindrome found will be the longest.
- Terminate Search Early: Once a palindrome is found, terminate the search, as this will be the longest possible palindrome.
- Extract the Longest Palindrome: Extract the substring from starting at the recorded starting index with the recorded length.
This approach optimizes the search by starting with the longest possible length and stopping as soon as a palindrome is found
, ensuring the longest palindrome is identified as quickly as possible.
- 对于回文字符串的判断可以使用双指针从两端向中间移动的方法。
- 动态规划表格中,只需关注左上角至右下角的部分,因为回文性质是对称的。
- Palindrome (回文)
- Substring (子串)
- Iterative (迭代)
- “Introduction to Algorithms” by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein, Chap. 25.